Westernaires Annual Show

October 28-29, 2017

It happens but once a year. For the thousands who have attended since 1949, the Westernaires Annual Show has become a tradition spanning generations. As Autumn settles in and snow appears in the Colorado high country, the Westernaires family opens its doors to showcase the hard won skills of hundreds of the most tenacious young people in America.

A Cavalcade of Color.

Horsecapades, as it is also known, is a professional performance of the largest precision drill riding group in the world. High speed, precision horsemanship in a dazzling array of costumes. Bullwhips and rope tricks. Flaming batons. Historical battle reenactments. Astonishing trick riding. All performed by young people who have chosen the road less traveled. While others take up more common sports and activities, the youth of Westernaires work year round at honing skills that represent the best traditions of the American West.

A Glimpse of the Past.
A Vision of the Future.

By attending the Westernaires Annual Show, you're not only seeing a Wild West Show unlike any on earth. You also help support the work of generations of Westernaires volunteers endeavoring to equip the leaders of tomorrow. While character, teamwork and self discipline are an even bigger part of Westernaires than horsemanship, the horses' feed, farrier and veterinary care come at a cost. Horsecapades is a major part of raising the funds that have kept the organization running for 75 years and counting.

Come see the show, and you'll soon want to make The Westernaires Annual Show a part of your family's yearly tradition.


Buy tickets at the door or from any Westernaires member.

Saturday, Oct. 28: 10AM, 2PM*, 7PM*
Sunday, Oct. 29: 2pm*
*Pre-Show 30 minutes prior

Denver National Western Events Center
47th and Humboldt, Denver, Colorado.

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Video courtesy of volunteer William Rumley

Westernaires Photographers

Westernaires Photographers are granted special access at Westernaires events in order to capture the best possible imagery. For photos of Westernaires events, please contact the photographers directly.

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